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As a parent, you want a secure future for your children, even if your relationship with their other parent is over. Whether you are the custodial or non-custodial parent, you simply want to be sure that you and your ex-spouse are both paying your fair share.
At the law offices of Erik B. Jensen, P.C., our attorneys provide clients with experienced and qualified legal advice for child support legal matters. We have worked closely with men and women in Pennsylvania and New Jersey since 1984. Our lawyers take an interdisciplinary approach, looking at your problems from a number of different perspectives, so that we can identify any potential roadblocks and help you take the right steps to achieve your objectives. When necessary, we will work with other lawyers or law firms to identify and put in place solutions that meet your specific needs.
Following a divorce, or even when co-parenting, it is not uncommon for 1 or both parents to want the child support order altered, changed or modified in the Philadelphia area. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has very strict laws that must be adhered to and a child support order cannot be modified at will. The parent wanting the change must prove to the court that there has been a legitimate and significant change in circumstances since the existing child support order was put in place.
One exception to this rule is if the judge ordered a child support amount that is below the guideline amount. If this is the case, it is not necessary that you prove a change in circumstances and can be requested at any time. This is true even if your non-guideline child support order was reached by stipulation (agreement) between the 2 parents.
Numerous legitimate reasons for modifying an existing Philadelphia child support order. These can include, but are not limited to:
Should the parents be able to come to a mutual agreement on a new amount of child support, they can write it up as a stipulation and give it to the judge for signature and to have it become a new order. However, as is often the case, if the parents cannot agree on the change, 1 of the parents must file a motion with the court asking for a modification of the existing order. This is best handle by an experienced Philadelphia Child Support Attorney.
It is important to remember that unless the judge signs a new court order, the existing child support amount and order will not be altered. So, to protect yourself, even if you have a verbal agreement with the other parent to change the child support amount, put it in writing and have a judge sign it. That way you have a current child support order that reflects the current amount.
When going through any family law issue in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area, it is important to enlist the aid of an experienced family law lawyer. Contact The Law Office of Erik B. Jensen P.C. today to discuss how to protect your rights and interests.
Our attorneys have extensive experience helping custodial parents receive the child support payments they need in order to raise their children securely and comfortably. While issues related to the financial obligations of parents to their children are addressed in the divorce decree, changes in the decree require further application to the court. Child support is most often granted to the parent who has physical custody of the child (the parent with whom the child lives) and is paid by the non-custodial parent. Issues with regards to increases or decreases in payments, or other modifications of the original terms, can arise at any time and may present challenges for years to come.
For example, if the parent obligated to pay child support loses their job, he or she may request a reduction in child support payments. However, once that parent has a new job, the parent to whom child support is owed may request a raise in child support to meet the original terms (or to exceed those terms, if this new job is higher-paying than the old one). We will explain how support law works through the use of established formulas and also the exceptions which may be considered by the court. We will review all proposed orders for compliance with state guidelines and to make certain all income is included in the calculation, including self-employment, seasonal and commission-based income.
Philadelphia child support attorney Erik B. Jensen provides information on getting the help you need for your child support legal matters, including lawsuit and litigation cases.
Lawsuits are difficult enough to pursue in circumstances where few emotions are involved. So, when it comes to the highly-charged issue of child support, litigation can quickly become emotionally taxing. If you have custody of your child and need support in order to feed, clothe, and otherwise care for him/her, you may be overwhelmed by the thought of having to file a lawsuit in order to collect what is owed to you by law. You need the help of an attorney experienced in Philadelphia child support laws with for advice and to help you file court papers, schedule appearances, and vigorously litigate on your behalf. You need a Philadelphia child support law firm like Erik B. Jensen, P.C. to provide advice, support, and advocacy throughout the entire lawsuit proceedings.
On the other side, if you were ordered to pay child support, but now find yourself unemployed, you also have the right to expert assistance. You could be facing expensive litigation as your spouse pursues support payments, as well as collection threats that may put your very freedom as risk. In the event of a lawsuit, you need Erik B. Jensen to plead your case and request a reduction or other modification to the original court-ordered child support decree.
Whatever your child support issues, contact the Philadelphia law office of Erik B. Jensen, P.C. today. No matter which side of a lawsuit you are on, we can offer experienced and vigorous advocacy on your behalf as we guide you through the particulars of the litigation process.
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Law Office of Jensen Bagnato, P.C.
1500 Walnut St, Suite 1510, Philadelphia, PA 19102
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