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How Do Immediate Relative Visas Work?

November 20, 2018

Despite the heightened attention and increased difficulties surrounding immigration into the United States, there are still numerous ways for people to get U.S. visas. This is especially true for immediate family members of U.S. citizens, who are eligible for what is known as an immediate relative visa. Though the people who can get these visas are limited to spouses, children and parents of U.S. citizens, because the goal is to unite these citizens with their family members living outside of the country as quickly as possible, it is one of the fastest ways to accomplish an immigration goal, and a method that is not subject to an annual limit on the number of visas that can be issued. Once the application process has been completed and the application approved, the family member will get a Green Card that allows them to move to the United States permanently and with all the rights that accompany that status. They can work, travel in and out of the country for short periods, own property, get a driver’s license, and enroll in school.

There are five types of immediate relative visas, each of which is specific to their relationship to the U.S. citizen and each of which has their own requirements and application procedures and forms. The types are:

  • IR-1 visa for the spouse of a U.S citizen;
  • IR-2 visa for the unmarried children under 21 years old of a U.S citizen;
  • IR-3 visa for children adopted abroad by a U.S citizen;
  • IR-4 visa for children adopted within the U.S by a U.S citizen;
  • IR-5 visa for parents of a U.S citizen who is at least 21 years old.

No matter what type of visa you are applying for, the first step is always for the U.S. citizen to complete the petition forms and submit them to the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service for processing and approval. Once approved the paperwork goes to the National Visa Center for assignment of a case number and invoice number, and an application packet will get sent to the person for whom the petition was filed. That person must then fill out the application form (or have the form filled out for them). The individual must also submit to a medical exam and all appropriate vaccinations and compile all appropriate documents. Then an interview is conducted, and if the application is approved the person is given another packet and then travels to the United States, where they hand over the unopened packet to a border official.

The immediate relative visa process can be complex and has a variety of associated fees. For more information on immigration issues, contact us today to set up an appointment.

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